Top 10 Agents to Dominate Valorant's New Map, Abyss

Ever dreamed of turning your Valorant account into a legend? Then mastering the new map, Abyss, is a must. Unlike any other map in the game, Abyss throws traditional strategies out the window with its dizzying verticality and sprawling layout. But fear not, aspiring Valorant champions! This guide will equip you with the top 10 agents to dominate Abyss, no matter your playstyle.


Soaring to Victory: Duelists

Jett (Creating Space/Sniping): Jett remains a duelist powerhouse, and Abyss is her playground. Her dash and updraft maneuvers allow her to scale heights and dominate long-range battles – perfect for securing that coveted B site heaven position.

Iso (Creating Space/Aim Duels): With the current state of the game favoring shields, Iso shines.  His overpowered shield lets you duel with confidence, while his undercut ability can wreak havoc across the map's multiple lanes. Don't underestimate his contingency wall either – it's a game-changer for controlling the crucial mid area.

Raze (Movement): Embrace the freedom of movement on Abyss with Raze! Blast-pack your way across platforms, surprise enemies with flanks, and utilize her boombot for space clearing. Mastering Raze's mobility on this map creates a unique challenge for defenders.


Holding the Line: Sentinels

Deadlock (Holding Down Sites):  While not a common pick, Deadlock thrives on Abyss.  Her Barrier Mesh seals off key lanes, perfect for controlling this vast map, while her Sonic Sensor provides invaluable intel on areas like the A site bridge and B site Danger zone.

Chamber (Taking Advantageous Aim Duels): Channel your inner sniper with Chamber. While his teleport distance might be slightly limited, Abyss offers ample strategic spots for advantageous Operator battles.  His trademark is fantastic for passive intel gathering, making him a strong choice for both offense and defense.


Intel and Initiation: Initiators

Gekko (All Rounder): Gekko's versatility makes him a star on Abyss.  His moshpit throws a wrench into site executes, while his dizzy ability is perfect for intel gathering and flashing enemies in open spaces.  But the real game-changer? His deployable wingman can plant or defuse the spike anywhere, making for clutch post-plant situations.

Sova (Info Gathering):  Abyss' long sightlines were practically made for Sova.  His cross-map darts reveal enemy positions, while recon darts provide crucial intel during site hits.  Even his drone finds new value here, clearing those tricky corners.  While his Hunter's Fury ultimate might be trickier due to the map's verticality, it can still snag valuable tags.

Neon (Movement):  Need a speedy duelist for those long rotations? Look no further than Neon!  Her blazing speed allows for swift rotations and aggressive site entries, especially when paired with intel-gathering initiators like Sova or Breach.  Just remember, control that speed – you don't want to fling yourself off the map!


Controlling the Chaos: Controllers

Clove (All Rounder):  For solo queue players, Clove is your Abyss controller MVP.  This map rewards taking fights, and Clove's regeneration ability makes them the ultimate solo queue pick.  While Omen offers traditional smokes for long distances, Clove excels in straightforward site pushes and aggressive play.

Viper (Providing Cover/Vision Blocking):  Abyss' vast open spaces demand a controller with serious wall-smoking power.  Viper reigns supreme with her ability to split sites in half, allowing for methodical area control and strategic smoke timing.  She also offers incredible defensive cover and can choke enemy entry points, giving your team the upper hand.


By mastering these top agents and understanding their strengths in the unique environment of Abyss, you'll be well on your way to dominating the competition and taking your Valorant account to legendary heights. So, grab your favorite agent, scale those dizzying heights, and conquer Abyss!