Free AI
Starter: 140 Ancient, 26 Void, 10 Primal, 4 Sacred Shards | 41k energy | 10 Legendary  / Shard [g]
Starter: 140 Ancient, 26 Void, 10 Primal, 4 Sacred Shards | 41k energy | 10 Legendary  / Shard [g]
Starter: 140 Ancient, 26 Void, 10 Primal, 4 Sacred Shards | 41k energy | 10 Legendary  / Shard [g]
Starter: 140 Ancient, 26 Void, 10 Primal, 4 Sacred Shards | 41k energy | 10 Legendary  / Shard [g]
Starter: 140 Ancient, 26 Void, 10 Primal, 4 Sacred Shards | 41k energy | 10 Legendary / Shard [g]
14 Days Warranty
Delivery in 5 Min
New users who complete registration and pay for their first order within 24 hours will receive a 5 times points bonus after the order is completed.

Commodity information

Property DetailsDescription
Raid:Shadow legends
Legendary Heros
Million Coins
RSL Account Level